Friday, November 28, 2008

Obama and Harmonious Universe

Not since 1968 has there been so much hope for the world.

Amidst the terror and economic devastation there is a sense that we can transcend and again become compassionate and intelligent world citizens.

Babies still smile and the birds sing. The stars still hang in the sky.

In particle physics we have found that at the core we are all composed of transcendent, interconnected probability waves suspended in multidimensional fields of froth.

Strings, quarks, electrons, all metaphors for the notion that at the core all is symmetric.

In politics an American President-Elect of intellect and wisdom.

In economics, models incorporating analytics and computer power which can replace the failed models of the past.

Get on will be a lovely ride.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Harmonious Nation

Harmonious Nation

The Obama victory provides an opportunity to move toward harmonious nation.

Discoveries in the arts, sciences, philosophy, economics, mathematics, and other areas of thought in recent years are poised to enter the national dialogue.

What do quantum mechanics, relativity theory, chaos, complexity, actuarial science, and other subjects tell us about life?

That we're all connected.

The fields, waves, fractals, dimensions, and other notions emanating from the study of particle physics are being harnessed to provide perspective on larger systems.

The implication is that at a fundamental level we are all made of the same stuff, and that mathematical structures can be developed to more deeply understand all of reality.

At creation all was one.

Symmetry breaks made the unity richer, eventually emerging into the world of our senses. But beneath the surface, the unity remains.

The Obama Administration working with the scientists and artists and philosophers who see the harmonious universe will harness the power of ideas which have been languishing in the labs and universities of this great country and around the world.

The new Administration understands the power of ideas and will see them manifest into the harmonious nation our Founding Fathers envisioned.

For more information go to my website,
