Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Story of Philosophy

The story of philosophy begins at creation flows through Plato and Kant and culminates in the quantum revolution. The story of science goes on, of course, but physics has transcended the Platonic Forms, Kantian Categories, Hegelian Spirit, Humean Skepticism, Cartesian Dualism, Roussean Romanticism and so on.

Of course Sartrean existence is still relevant as we have still not penetrated the human condition scientifically.

Philosophy of course could reorganzie to become relevant again, but only as a handmaiden. Someone has to work on the implications of multiple dimensions, entanglement, interconnected fields, probability waves, vibrating strings, symmetry and so on...and hypothesize metaphysical implications..but only based on what we know through math and science.

When we combine the mathematics of particle physics, complexity and economics we have a foundation for philosophy based on all we know. Such a philosophy can show the way to a better world.

Yes we can.


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