Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cosmic Symphony

The world is a symphony of energy, playing out at the subatomic, human, social, and cosmic levels.

The fields, waves, particles, quarks, strings, electrons, photons, and dimensions which dance in and out of existence in the atom are like notes, tones, beats, rhythms, melodies and harmonies, all blending into an elegant and beautiful song called reality.

Jusy as we experience music on different planes of understanding, so it is with life. Our senses, minds, bodies and spirits all react to different aspects of reality in different ways.

Music resonates within the genetic structure of all life. Pitch may be encoded in our DNA.

We are all part of the orchestra of reality which plays from the subatomic to the cosmic level.

Music and mathematics are intimately related. Just as mathematics can tease out patterns of subatomic interaction, it can identify patterns of harmony.

The Music of the Spheres drives heaven and earth in a symphony of beauty, truth, justice, love and harmony.

All of art contributes to this cosmic song. Art and science give us visions of reality. Just as scientific theories emerge from the sweat of scientific research, aesthetic treasures emerge from the sweat of artistic exploration.

Language often fails both in the description and depiction of scientific and aesthetic truth. Metaphors are used to approach an understanding of the meaning of subatomic interaction and aesthetic result.

Philosophers have eternally struggled with distinctions of reality and appearance, subjective and objective, mind and body, particle and wave. Only with the advent of modern science and art can we see that all may be complementary, and at its core everything may be part of a cosmic holism.

In science we use terms like entanglement, symmetry, non locality, fuzzy and probability wave to approach an understanding of an interconnected, multi-dimensional subatomic world. Art uses words like abstract, surreal, absurd, and non-Euclidean to describe the frustration of attempting to reach an aesthetic vision of core reality.

Space, time, matter and energy are no longer the background against which reality plays, but integral parts of reality itself. Artists must revert back to their sense of childlike wonder to capture this new vision of reality.

We are all part of an interconnected web, interdependent and virtual. From Plato to Kant, Shakespeare to Sartre, philosophers have probed the mystery of reality which science is now unveiling.

Cosmic consciousness, web of nature, harmonious universe, song of the heavens, all ways of articulating the new vision.

What a wonderful world if we only let it be.


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