Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Geithner Performance

It's not his fault.

No one knows what to do.

At least no one in Washington.

The tragedy is that a bailout/stimulus/budget package can be developed and tested which would meet the critria everyone has-that it gets the economy moving. From the labs of Los Alamos and Chicago to the campuses of Ann Arbor and Boston, models have been developed which are up to the task of analyzing all the proposals which are now randomly floating around Washigton.

Actuaries, physicists, economists, and computer scientists have develped data and analytical fameworks which will allow any proposal to be tested properly before implementation. The models have the needed demographic, interactive, temporal and probabilistic dimensions.

What confidence it would give the American public if the President could lay out scenarios describing how alternative expenditures would flow through the US and global economies. Multipliers for each element and for the program as a whole would be provided.

Yes we can.


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