Monday, January 19, 2009

Paradigm Actuaries and The Secret

The Secret is that the truth is not as elusive as we thought.

In a world of poverty, suspicion, ignorance, hypocrisy and irony, the deeper reality is that we are closer to an understanding of true being than ever.

Physicists "looking" into the nucleus of the atom have discovered that the fundamental "thing", the core of everything is an interconnected web of virtual energy.

The atoms which make up all nature, from trees and oceans to rocks and people, are part of a larger tapestry, a tapestry which eludes our instruments and intellects.

Plato, of course, sensed this in his Forms, as did Kant in his Categories and Hegel in his Spirit. Pirsig sensed it in his Quality as did Martin in his dream.

The difference is that, until now, there was no solid mathematical and scientific foundation for a worldview which embraces unity and harmony.

The metaphors of particle physics and complexity science, the waves, quarks, fields, spaces, groups, uncertainty, complementarity, exclusion, entanglement, fractals, emergence, symmetries, topologies, dimensions...all elicit a sense of connectedness, transcendence, holism...

This holism is the basis for a new metaphysics grounded in the mathematics which propels the metaphors.

Philosophy, science, politics, economics, art, and proper public policy all emerge from the idea that, at its core, reality is connected and transcendent. This idea makes all prior metaphysical speculation coherent.

It also gives us a path to a brighter future.

Yes we can.


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