Saturday, January 3, 2009

The website noted in the title to this blog is complementary to the blog. They are vehicles for communicating a new vision of reality.

The book, Harmonious Universe, still to be published, describes a worldview emanating from discoveries in particle physics, complexity science, and actuarial science which provides a roadmap to unity.

Starting with the fundamental constituents of nature, the waves, fields, particles, and other components of the atom, we build up to society and its institutions with mathematics and metaphor.

This is part of a conversation which began before Plato, and will continue beyond us. It is about the eternal notions of justice, truth, beauty, love, and being.

The website describes the book and some related thoughts. Included are descriptions of analytical stuctures which have been developed to better understand our economy.

We now have 36 blogs discussing various aspects of the new perspective. Some, like Republican Think Tank are satirical. Some, like The Science of Philosophy, are academic.

In all cases, the idea is the same, probe reality to discover truth from which justice and beauty can emerge.

In Abraham, Martin and John, we look at how Martin Luther King and Kahill Gibran probe truth and set the stage for positive aspects of the 1960's.

In The Edge of Chaos, we talk of an Economic Manhattan Project to get the US economy back on track.

In The Math of Reality, we consider how institutions like the New England Complex Systems Institute and the Santa Fe Institute are moving science toward more holistic modeling. By combining the new data mining, data visualizaton and analytical structures with those of actuarial science we see how traditional modeling relative to public policy issues can be enhanced and made more valuable.

The remaining blogs continue to expand the vision . The goal is to have the blog address all issues of Harmonious Universe and put them into a lasting perspective.

Along the way we hope to find some truth of our own.


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