Thursday, January 15, 2009

Putting People First

Putting People First (PPF) was the "plan" Bill Clinton and Al Gore published in 1992 to "...fight for what Americans deserve".

How'd that work out?

Since we have been kind of hard on the man who succeeded Clinton, it behooves us to look at how Bubba did. After all, by 2000 the American public was so disgusted with Billary that they elected a total moron to lead the free world.

The plan (PPF) involved "...good jobs, world class education, quality healthcare, and safe streets and neighborhoods."

"Our national strategy will reward the people who work hard and play by the rules. "


"Increase corporate average fuel economy standards from the current 27.5 mpg to 40...45..."


What happened?

Within days of entering the Oval Office, Bubba was being coopted by the Republicans. He started making deals with the devil immediately, and after the blue dress incident totally rolled over.

Now except for Ken Starr and a few other voyeurs, nobody really cared what Billy did in his spare time. God knows that to the extent Republicans have sex at all it is weird sex.

Unfortunately, Bill's propensity to deny his otherwise normal sex drive made it impossible for him to govern once he was outed.

In fairness, notwithstanding his moral cowardice Bubba did make government work better than had daddy Bush.

And in retrospect, it was heaven compared to "W".

But should that be our standard?

Kinda reminds me of Gary Hart's 1983 campaign book, A New Democracy, where he begins,

"America's character is being tested..."

How'd that work out?

Now compared to Newt Gingrich's cancer deathbed present to his first wife (that he wanted to leave her for his second wife who he later dumped for another...) the Democrataic pecadillos are hardly worthy of mention. Unfortunately, the way Dems handle getting caught condemns them to eternal fury from hypocritical, self-righteous Republicans who periodically emerge from the closet to condemn others.

This all sounds a little negative.

Well guess what?

In a few days we will have a President who seems to have character, intellect, integrity, wisdom, and a bunch of other good traits. And we shouldn't care what he does in private as long as he moves the planet toward peace and harmony.

Yes we can.


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