Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quantum Universe

The notion of a quantum universe brings into metaphysics the metaphors of quantum mechanics. This means that the fields, waves, quarks, dimensions, electrons, uncertainties, entanglement, complementarity, and spaces which pop out of the mathematics of particle physics can be put in a philosophical framework.

This is important, and largely unreported. The fact that Plato's Forms, Aristotle's Chain, Kant's Categories, Bacon's Idols, Hegel's Spirit, Shakespeare's Complementarity, Rousseaus's General Will, Smith's Invisible Hand, Newton's Mechanical Universe, Sartre's Existence, King's Dream, and Pirsig's quality can now be put into a mathematical and scientific framework allows us to transcend prior philosophical dead ends.

Much of the substance of recent findings in particle physics points to an interconnected, interdependent, unified world. The particles which become atoms which become molecules which become cells which become us are ethreal, probabilistic (in our three dimensions of space), fuzzy, connected clouds of virtuality.

As we move higher up the chain of understanding we find fractals, symmetries, emergence, and webs, which ultimately describe nature and humanity.

Plato couldn't have known of this structure. He didn't have the mathematical, scientific, technological and philosophical tools which have arisen in the last century. Neither did Newton, Kant, Nietzche or James.

All the musings about mind and body, permanence and change, universals and particulars, empiricism and rationalism, appearance and reality, idealism and materialism, classicism and romanitcism, chaos and order, skepticism and belief, and other dialectical pairs are transcended and superseded by the findings of modern particles physics.

Modern particle physics demonstrates with mathematical structure how reality emerges from its fundamental constituents. From that core evolves a whole new metaphysical structure which contains all prior structures.

The dualities of Quantum Mechanics transcend those of classical metapyhsics. Wave-Particle, Matter-Energy , and Space-Time all point to an ultimate reality which is connected, transcendent and holistic

When the mathematics of particle physics is combined with that of complexity and actuarial science, a full standard model of everything can emerge.


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