Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Morning has Broken

"Nineteen Sixty-Eight had the vibrations of an earthquake about it. America shuddered.History cracked open..."

So began Time magazine's exploration of the last year of hope before now in America and the world.

American history has endured many tragedies and triumphs. Among the latter are the forming of the union, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, Abraham, Martin, John, and Bobby, and now Barack and Michelle.

In 2009, we are on the edge of a knife. On one side is the end of the American dream. On the other, a transformed society positioned to continue the journey begun in 1776.

For 40 years we have wandered in the wilderness. Bogged down by senseless wars, erratic goverment policy, fiscal irresponsibility, hypocrisy and ignorance, we have landed on the edge of a cliff.

We can back away. We can find a way to expand the economy in a sustainable way.

The Obama team has identified the core problems and is poised to fix them. They are also faced with intransigence, diminished resources, and vast debt.

To walk through the minefield on the other side of which is a new America will require the best minds and resources. America has them, but they have been hidden for decades.

Complexity and Actuarial Science, Quantum Mechanics, and Economics provide tools by which to direct government activity into the areas which will avoid the mines and expand the economy in a sustainable way.

We need an economy which will support our promises to those who are in poverty through no fault of their own, to the sick, to the retired, and to others in need.

We need an economy which provides opportunity to all who are able to work, and which is sustainable.

We need a society with liberty and justice for all.

Yesterday's Inauguration was the first step in the journey. Just as Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln found the path from despair to hope, so can Barack.

He has asked for our help. Can we respond?

Yes we can.


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