Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas 2008 Huffington Post Stories

What a blog...

US joins other third world countries in global ban of homosexuality...

Goes along with recent Anti-Reproductive Freedom and Anit-Environment initiatives.

Rick Warren does the invocation and Paul Weyrich dies...

Obama and Biden stuck with a global economic collapse and last minute Bush anti-human, anti-envoronment rules...Oh, and a $60 trillion budget deficit if you do the math.

Of course we can talk about Blago and Spitzer, the latter having sent all types of "criminals" to the slammer for using complicated government approved accounting and tax rules...

And then there's The House of Saddam, New Orleans, SEC Porn, Limbaugh, Paulson, Franken, Haggard, Lieberman, Madoff, GM and global warming...

Ken Starr is back to fight another battle in his war against sex. Bristol Palin's Mother in Law continues the family tradition of promoting good values.

Neocon Frank Gaffny continues his battle against truth and fairness...

Africa seems to be continuing to do well. Mugabe hangs in there (shades of Blago)...Violence rocks Kenya...

On the optimistic side, Caroline may become a Senator, Obama is nominating some real scientists to help move the country into a future lit by wisdom, and our New Secretary of Labor is a Profile in Courage...

As George Bernard Shaw (and Bobby and John) said, "Some people see things as they are and say why. But I dream things that never were and say why not?"


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