Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Essence of Being

Every once in awhile, a book comes along which changes everything.

Is the world ready for a book which responds to the deepest questions of humankind?

Ideas from all ages and cultures flow into a common vessel which empties into harmony.

At creation all was one. The original unity, the harmony manifest at creation, continues to resonate in all being. The fields, waves, particles and dimensions released at the big bang continue to have their primordial connection.

We are made up of the atoms manifest at creation. The perfect symmetry at creation encompassed an entanglement of all. That entanglement connects us with each other and with all being.

Discoveries in particle physics, complexity science, and actuarial science have revealed this hidden connection. Buried in the mathematical structures which emerged in the deep and applied sciences in recent years are connections which point to the possibility of a standard model of everything. That model starts at the interior of the nucleus of the atom and radiates out to the institutions of the global society.

A bottom up perspective on this marvelous vision begins with the clouds of waves and fields which dance in the nucleus of each atom in the universe. The mathematical structures which describe the interactions within and outside the atoms have been found to apply to more complex, emergent structures, including those on the path to life and consciousness.

A top down approach begins with the institutions of our global society and drills down to the smallest systems mathematics can describe. While some pieces of the puzzle are missing, there is the appearance of a mathematical structure which points to the possibility of a connectedness which can become a metaphysical starting point for a philosophy of being which places us in a web of harmony.

Stay tuned.


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