Monday, December 8, 2008

USA Today

Today's USA editorial should have outraged all world citizens. The man responsible for Iraq, the global economic crisis, soaring deficits, environmental destruction, and the unplanning of the family isn't done. He is now (actually his cohorts are since he is clueless) proposing rules to:

1. Put coal burning power plants near national parks.
2. Put mining waste in streams and valleys.
3. Overturn the ban on concealed weapons in national parks.
4. Expand ability of healthcare workers to deny women needed care.

So while burdening our children with trillions of dollars of debt that must be paid back in years when the country and world are managing declining resources and increasing population, the Republicans believe our biggest problems are that women have too much freedom, national parks are too quiet and clean, and not enough people are shooting each other.

When will they ever learn?


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