Sunday, December 7, 2008

Political Dialectic

Dialectic is a euphemism for what passes as political dialogue these days. Reporters can never seem to get behind the talking points. When was the last time you read an essay like Hunter Thompson used to write?

"La Bas. Down there. Where the beasts are all blind and the doomed scream all night...It is a special kind of hell for utterly failed politicians.

It is difficult for the ordinary voter to come to grips with the notion that a truly evil man , a truthless monster with the brains of a king rat and the soul of a cockroach is about to be sworn in as President..."

(Guess who?)

We watch Face the Nation, Meet the Press, This Week...gasping for a breath of honesty and intelligence, and come up with cramps. In the old days we could watch Bob Dole or Jesse Jackson lie and flip until we were blue in the face, but the notions of handlers and talking points have brought dishonesty to a whole new level.

When was the last time you heard a "journalist" ask a hack why they voted (over the last few years) to put our country $53 trillion in debt? What happened to the Social Security lockbox? Why is handing Iraq over to the Shiites from the Sunnies worth thousands of lives and (trillions?) of dollars?

Is it treasonous for a politician to talk about lowering taxes while voting to increase spending thereby weakening America's ability to defend itself when our children grow up?

Of course, if the only author you read is Tim Lehaye, this all makes sense, since Jesus is about to swoop down and gather up the faithful leaving the rest of us (non fundamentalist, dispensationalist, premillenial evangelical Christians) to suffer horribly.

No reason to worry about the environment or budget under that scenario. Seems like a good subject for some member of the media to pursue.

More later.


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