Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bailouts and Stimuli for Paradigm Actuaries

Paradigm Actuaries is an actuarial consulting firm and think tank devoted to the application of advanced scientific thinking to the resolution of deep commercial and governmental problems.

The true U.S. government deficit is approaching $60 trillion. Bailout and simulus packages totaling trillions of dollars will be needed to put America back on the path to prosperity.

Here's what I could do with $4 million, a mere 4/10000 % of $1 trillion, using a team of geniuses currently left unemployed by an Administration which rewards ignorance and punishes competence and integrity:

1. Solve the healthcare crisis by building an Agent Based Model which shows the optimal flows of funds and services.

2. Solve the budget crisis by showing optimal flows of revenues and expenditures over time probabilistically.

3. Stimulate the economy by showing where bailout and stimulus money in conjunction with existing government expenditure, would have the most impact on long term national welfare.

4. Resolve the global economic crisis by introducing financial models based on complexity and actuarial science which replace the standard failed models of the past.

5. Bring about a harmonious universe by demonstrating how expenditures on the deep sciences will uncover the deepest secret of life, that everything is connected in a web of unity.

For more, go to my website, paradigmactuaries.com.



  1. Can we make donations? I can find time to help get to the end results noted in 4 and 5!!

  2. I'm hoping to win the lottery if Barack doesn't come through.
