Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sweet Caroline

That's right, Neil Diamond's classic song was about Caroline Kennedy.

Is it possible she will enter the arena. Can we dream of Camelot again as she and Barack remake the American landscape?

So many disappointments, JFK, MLK, Bobby, John John.

Time magazine said "...history cracked open..." in 1968.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?"

"Ask not what your country can do for you...I have a dream..."

I know, Republicans sneer at any sign of hope. They want to dwell in the underworld of fear and dread. But a new day is upon us. It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Sounds familiar.

Anyway, after four years of Obama could we have four years of Kennedy?

The two best presidents since Lincoln could be a non-white man and a woman. And America could rise from the ashes.

OK...perhaps a bit hyperbolic, but who can blame us for a little ecstasy after our long, forty year, nightmare?

Transform the economy. Revive the arts. Push the boundaries of science. Most importantly, create a possibility for a future for our children which is at least as good as we have enjoyed.


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