Sunday, December 21, 2008

Zen and the Art of Africa

Robert Pirsig sought an understanding of quality and value in ZAMM and Lila. What he had in mind was not a superficial definition and essence, but a deep and resonant revelation.

Quality as a source of Aristotelian happiness, Platonic ideal, Sartrean existence...which transcends our understanding in the way the essence of particle physics does.

In America, quality can be realized in the free pursuit of excellence. What can be said of Africa?

The Congo wallows in Civil War, the legacy of Mobutu's incompetence and corruption. We all know about events in Rwanda. South Africa's response to AIDS was nothng short of bizarre. Robert Mugabe has set a new standard for evil arrogance in Zimbawe. Kenya...

Can African's dream of quality or value in the midst of the horrors visited upon them?

Of course, Africa is not alone. Many parts of the globe harbor hunger, torture, terror and fear.

Can anyone find quality when someone is being denied justice?

The essence of recent findings in particle physics is that everything is connected. At our core and at the core of everything in the cosmos is the nucleus of the atom which itself is composed of fuzzy, probabilistic, interconnected, multidimensional clouds of ethereal structures. Nonlocality and entanglement are inherent in the essence of being...a web of connections

How can we ignore the destruction of fellow beings or the environment in which we exist when we are all so profoudly connected?

The answer is we can't. For true liberation we must be each other's keeper. Only then will we know quality, value, harmony, agape and peace.


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