Friday, December 12, 2008

The Science of Philosophy

In The Story of Philosophy, Will Durant said, "...philosophy only accepts the hard and hazardous task of dealing with problems not yet open to the methods of science...good and evil, beauty and ugliness, order and freedom, life and death...".

The fact is, science and philosophy have been converging for decades. With developmnets in relativity theory, quantum mechanics, and complexity science in particular, the line between them has blurred or even disappeared.

The objects of science are as ethereal as the traditional objects of philosophy. Mind, matter, waves, particles, subjective, objective, fields, spaces, all transcendent entities. Of course the mathematics behind the scientific ideas is more developed than that behind idas traditonally considered philosophical. But those very mathematical structures are themselves ethreal.

More importantly, mathematical structures are emerging which are bridging the gap between the mathematics of science and the mathemtics of philosophy.

What is a Dirac Sea? A Schrodinger Wave? A Fractal?

What is a Lagrangian? A Hamiltonian? A Fourier Transform?

Because Calabi-Yau manifolds break symmetries and compact topologies "properly"they are often best for some versions of string theory. Lagrangians may be invariant under an SU(2) symmetry or a U(1) transformation.

The Golden Rule is universal if we are all connected.


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