Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas 2008 Slate Stories

Like the Huffington Post, Slate covers the issues of the day.

Huckabee, Ashcroft, Madoff, Blago, Warren, Mueller, Craig...

That's quite a lineup...A phony Evangelical who pretends to be hip, an uptight hypocrite who wants to end freedom as we know it, a man so greedy he robbed a saint who survived the holocaust, a politician so self-absorbed he's willing to take the state of Illinois down with him, a minister who tries to straddle condemnation with forgiveness, an incompetent pedant, and a perverted Senator who claims to be (he may actually be right) a typical Republican guardian of traditional values...

Of course the good news is that soon we will have a President who cares about art, science, the environment and justice. Hopefully we will have a Senator from New York from a family that personifies hard earned hope.

Developments in the sciences have the potentionl of a transformation of the global economy which promises a new level of prosperity. The LHC may find the elusive "God Particle" for which Fermilab has been searching That may be the key to understanding deep secrets of reality which could illuminate a path to harmony.

Combined with advances in computer technology being made in places like the Santa Fe Institute and the impact of Obama's stimulus plan, we may be on the way to a growth economy the likes of which we have not seen for decades.

Yes we can.


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