Saturday, December 6, 2008

Zen and Harmonious Universe

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was concerned with what I would term "Local Quality". Quality in the way we look at work, play, and other life issues was the focus. When Pirsig talked of classic versus romantic perspective he emphasized a worldview which embraced the metaphysics of quality.

Harmonious Universe takes the notion of quality to the level of complex systems which determine "Global" quality. From the perspective of quantum mechanics and complexity science, Harmonious Universe shows how the universal qualities of beauty, truth and justice can emerge from a citizenry which embraces the interconnedtedness which is manifest in all being.

At the core of all being are the waves, fields and particles which interact in multidimensional space to become what we see, feel and are. The atoms of which all are made are composed of wavy electrons, connected quarks, and a sea of virtual entities. They are all part of a universal symphony which began playing at creation and will continue as long as we can imagine.


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