Sunday, December 14, 2008

December Sunday

It's Sunday again...Home of the talkingheadosphere. The blogosphere is becoming the Blagosphere.

Who knew? A crooked politicican. Next thing you know we'll find a greedy businessman. Or a stupid athlete. Or an entertainer with a drug problem.

As we watch the wizards of pontification droll on about the being and nothingness of the political sphere it is interesting to raise our heads to listen to a more promising group of thinkers.

The January 2009 Discover issue about the Year in Science has articles about medicine, physics, energy, and astronomy. These people actually back their arguments with relevant facts.

Take the physicists (please:).

Turns out that The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) which debuted in the fall of 2008 is looking for the God Particle. One can only imagine that this is harder than finding a crooked politician.

In addition to possibly swallowing us all into a massive black hole, the LHC may find supersymmetric particles That would be a huge step toward a Theory of Everything (TOE).

Now that seems like something worth a little time and money.

Of course, the Bush Administratoin is so busy trying to implement the vision of Tim Lehaye that it has no time or resources for such drivel. They even want to cut back on such basic research in places like Fermlab, Argonne and Los Alamos.

This of course is not the first Bush Administration to take on such waste. Daddy killed a facility in Texas which might have already found the secret of the universe. Apparantly it was too close to one of the landing paths he wanted to preseve for his subsequent skydiving.

Many people only care, of course, if they think a TOE would help them personally. They have perhaps forgottten (or God forbid never know) that reseach like this has been responsible for much of the advance made by the human species in recent years.

Health, wealth, the environment and defense are all beholden to advances which have been made in esoteric areas like quantum mechanics and complexity science.

Anyway, like you, I'm ready to settle in and start to absorb the pearls of wisdom which will be offered today by such scholars as Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, and Mitch McConnell.


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