Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Essence of Christmas

Joy to the World...Silent Night...

How Christmas songs inspire.

Not just Christians... every one open to the idea that there is somethng beyond our physical senses.

John Denver's Rocky Mountain High, Bob Dylan's Blowin' in the wind, Simon and Garfunkle's Bridge over Troubled Waters...all call us to a reality beyond ourselves.

Martin Luther King thought religion at its best was inclusive. All of humanity, all being, share a common bond.

Jesus looked at as the manifestation of the spirit of goodness is a figure all can adore. When contemplating his essence, Christians strive to understand ultimate reality, the source of being.

At the beginning all was one...perfect symmetry ...a unity transcending the coming diversity.

Physicists have found a world of wonder at the core of being. Everything is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of a virtual cloud of electrons orbiting a nucleus consisting of clouds of quarks.

There are not words or images to describe the core of reality .Only mathematical stuctures and the metaphors created to try to articulate any associated meaning.

The quarks and electrons themselves may be embedded in an interconnected, multidimensional, clouds of entangled wisps of nothingness.

So when we feel a transcendent joy in a work of music or art, when the smile of a stranger penetrates our being, when the suffering of a child rocks our may be our esence reacting to a transcendent force our minds cannot comprehend.

A version of the Golden Rule is at the core of most belief systems. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Is that a manifestation of a promordial urge to unify with all being?

As we leave this Christmas season and return to our separate worlds, is it possible that the Christmas Spirit can be a universal force which leads to global peace. Regardless of our belief system, can we strive to do unto others...?

Yes we can.


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