Friday, December 19, 2008

The Obama Transition and the Press

The economy is collapsing. The planet is in peril. People are dying in wars with no purpose.

After decades of flawed leadership we have a President-Elect who seems to understand how to return America to the greatness envisioned by the Founding Fathers.

Transforming the economy by partnering with the private sector to develop sustainable employment. Developing intenationaal relations in a way that minimizes the need for war. Respecting the rights of all Americans and protecting the environment, responsible government spending.

So what is the press ,which has been dormant while all these injustices developed focused upon?

Whether anyone who has ever come within a mile of the President -Elect has ever been within a mile of Rod Blagojevich.

Like everyine else, I appreciate the entertainment value of a good scandal. I also abhor the injustice and hypocrsy which has governed most of our institutions for decades.

Couldn't the press spend a little time exposing problems that underfunding Social Security and Medicare, like sending young Americans to die in nation building debacles, like the destruction of what is left of the America's purple mountain majesties by a President who expects to be transported to heaven momentarily.

OK, Obama picked Rick Warren for the Invocation. So what?

Maybe it is time for all of us to take a deep breath and remember the words of The Prophet, "...I say that even as the holy and righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each one of you, so the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest which is in you also..."

And exactly who is it that Caroline Kennedy should look to who has experience superior to her own? Joe Lieberman? Richard Shelby? Saxby Chambliss? Sam Brownback?

When did hypocrisy and ignorance become the qualities we revere in those who will determine the kind of world in which our children will live?


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