Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

A time to celebrate peace, joy, love, forgiveness, compassion.

Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Be a good Samaritan.

Don't be a hypocritical Pharisee.

Cast the first stone...IF you're without sin.

Good words for politicians to live by.

Amazingly, those who profess their faith grandly seem to follow none of the above. They haven't met a war they don't like or a poor person they do.

They reject anyone they perceive as unlike them, and project god in their own image.

They cast stones in every direction while sinning in the dark shadows of their miserable lives.

They love theoretical people, but walk by those suffering in front of them.

But, hey, it's the season of joy, and we have a new President.

Three cheers for the American dream.


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